A post shared by Lara (@knobbygirl) on Jul 24, 2018 at 12:49pm PDT I am now entering the third phase of my children's film education....
Ticked-Off Trannies with Knives
I DVRed this film based on the title alone. Be warned...it could really confuse the other people in your house when they're scrolling through the...
Hairspray (2007)
Overheard somewhere in Hollywood... "Hey Eddie, it's me, Johnny T...remember when you said I could borrow your fat black lady suit? Well, my career is...
Die, Mommie, Die!
Charles Busch brings another one of his stage creations to the big screen. This time, he's kept the starring role for himself, instead of letting...
Sorority Boys
Well. I think I have come to an important conclusion. Any movie that comes on at 9ish on a Sunday night will be crap. Most...
The Beaver Trilogy
Before there was Rubin, there was the Orkly Kid. Thank god for eBay, or I may never have gotten a chance to see this unique...
Never Too Young to Die
Goddamn, this sucked. This is a pointless, horrible film. John Stamos plays a high school gymnast, turned spy due to his father's murder. He is...