The first time I saw Toy Story 3, I totally started crying when Andy finally handed Woody over to Bonnie. Even now, roughly 537 viewings...
Toy Story
Can you believe that I have never seen Toy Story before now? You CAN'T believe it? You think I'm fucking lying? Why would I lie...
I was trying to think of a way to introduce my son to my favorite comic - Patton Oswalt - and Pixar came through for...
The Incredibles
Ohhhh PIXAR...I was on the fence, but now I've decided. PIXAR good. Dreamworks not so good. I'm sorry Dreamworks...we can still be friends, right? It's...
Finding Nemo
We finally got to go see Finding Nemo! And there was only one yowling kid in the whole theater! Zero would have been better, but...