Film: Religion

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Lara (@knobbygirl) Of all the casualties of COVID-19, one of the most painful losses...

WARNING - teenagers dry humping in the forest can summon demons. That's right...those poor teenagers didn't even get to have sex. They barely got to...

As far as movies featuring giant underarm pustules go, this one is pretty good. I can’t recommend watching while eating lunch, or anywhere near your...

Ted's Bogus Journey, Part Deux. When the world needs saving - who else are you gonna call, but Keanu Reeves? I've lost count of all...

God and aliens do not mix. They don't. If God exists as Christians perceive him, the existence of aliens is impossible within that paradigm. The...

Do you wanna know the best part of the film? The best part was found at the very end of the credits..."Jay and Silent Bob...