Children of the Corn (1984)

December 11, 2020


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Yes, yes…I KNOW they remade Children of the Corn several years ago…but WHY would I watch THAT when I can torture my kids with the original?

The kids and I had a lively discussion as to whether Isaac or Malachi was creepier. I was steadfastly on team Isaac, because he talked like a Televangelist and clearly had the face of an old man (duh, the actor was a very short adult), but the kids said Malachi, mostly because of the ginger mullet. Even my husband piped up for team Malachi, claiming that Malachi was the origin of claim that gingers have no soul. Isaac wore that scary ass hat, like the preacher in Poltergeist 2…Isaac also rose from the dead after his ride on the rocket powered corn crucifix.

I forgot about the rocket powered corn crucifix…that is my favorite part!

My least favorite part? I was super scared by the tunneling under the dirt when I was a kid…that scared the bejeesus out of me and it STILL raises goosebumps when I see it.

Not only does Amazon Prime Movies have the original to watch, but ALL of the sequels…I don’t think I can handle all that corn.

Year – 1984
Rating – R
Runtime – 92 minutes
Genre – Stephen King
Director(s) – Fritz Kiersch
Writer(s) – George Goldsmith
Actor(s) – Peter Horton, Linda Hamilton, John Franklin, Courtney Gains, Julie Maddalena
BOB Rating – Two BOBs
Favorite Quote – "Outlander! Outlander! We have your woman!" - Malachi (Courtney Gains)