September 27, 2006

Although I rented Ghoulies II shortly after it came out on video, absolutely the only thing I remember about it was the scene in which a guy sits down on the john and a Ghoulie pops out and presumably munches on his dangling genitalia.

Almost 20 years later, that’s still the only thing memorable about this movie.

The Ghoulies take up residence in a carnival funhouse. The funhouse, AKA Satan’s Den, is losing money left and right and is about to be shut down. In a heartwarming twist, the Ghoulies save Satan’s Den. As soon as they move in and begin killing people, the funhouse starts making money hand over fist. The Ghoulies save the day – but the jerky owner of the carnival takes over the funhouse anyway…and consequently gets his testicles chewed off.

Any similarities between Station and the Rat Ghoulie is entirely coincidental. Also – Ghoulies are like Gremlins, only they multiple in Solvent, not water. Yet another little known Ghoulie fact – they are easily mistaken for a molotov cocktail inside of a gorilla suit – it’s true!

I prefer the more serious first movie to this silly sequel.

Year – 1987
Rating – R
Runtime – 89 minutes
Genre – Horror Sequel
Director(s) – Albert Band
Writer(s) – Luca Bercovici, Charlie Dolan, Dennis Paoli
Actor(s) – Damon Martin, Royal Dano, Phil Fondacaro, J. Downing, Kerry Remsen
BOB Rating – Two BOBs
Favorite Quote –